Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Energy Power Point

Nuclear Energy

1. One thing that suprised me with my energy source is that it stands for 6% of the world's energy, when there are about 440 nuclear power plants in the world
2. One thing that suprised me with another persons energy source is that although soalr power is so efficient you would have to use it almost immediately, due to the fact it has trouble being stored, also even though they are you solar panels, they said that you are giving some of your energy to sdg&e to supplement other people houses energy
3. I believe that the most important technological need is the sun's energy, of course we all know that without the sun the whole world would end due to the fact that everything would die, and it would be a cold dark place without it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your slides and insights, especially about other people's energy sources (solar)
